Satellite Characterization of Bio-Optical and Thermal Variability in the Japan/East Sea
Robert Arnone, arnone@nrlssc.navy.mil, 228 688 5268
Richard Gould, gould@nrlssc.navy.mil, 228 688 5587
Ocean Optics Section Code 7333
Naval Research Laboratory
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
Award Number
The goal is to understand the physical and optical processes occurring in the Japan/East Sea through the use of satellite thermal and ocean color remote sensing. We have created a climatology of the inherent optical properties using SeaWiFS satellite imagery to define how the bio-optical cycle is driven by the physical processes and circulation.
Our objective is to understand the coupling between the physical and bio-optical processing, and their variability. Our research illustrates the seasonal cycles of biological production and degradation and how they are distributed throughout the basin.
In-depth project Summary (PDF, 613K)
Preliminary report of 19 May3 June 1999 cruise (PDF, 22 MB)
Preliminary report of 15 January4 February 2000 cruise (MS Word doc, 5 MB)
Slide presentation of 15 January4 February 2000 cruise (PPT, 5 MB)