Princeton Ocean Model Simulations I
Christopher N.K. Mooers, cmooers@smas.miami.edu
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
Inkweon Bang, ibang@smas.miami.edu
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
Award Number
This data set is an archive of model simulations produced by Drs. Chris Mooers and Inkweon Bang, RSMAS, University of Miami, using POM (Princeton Ocean Model). It was used as the base case (Exp 1) in Mooers et al. (2005) for comparison with observational data in Japan (East) Sea (JES). Three other cases, which were also used in the comparison, are not included in this archive. For detailed information about model setup, forcing, and modeling strategy, see the paper listed on the publications/presentations page.
- ETOPO5 topography
- Initial temperature and salinity from Levitus annual mean climatology
- NOGAPS, 6-hourly, 1-degree resolution, wind stress and heat flux
- Relaxation of surface salinity to climatology
- Transport through Korea Strait given by ADCP data of NRL
Model parameters
- Topography smoothing is done with SLMIN=0.2 in Subroutine SLPMIN
- Horizontal friction parameter HORCON = 0.2
- Outflow transports through Tsugaru and Soya Straits are partitioned 6:4
Data files
| 1999 | 2000 | 2001 |
Salinity | 1999.sal | 2000.sal | 2001.sal |
Temperature | 1999.tem | 2000.tem | 2001.tem |
U internal | 1999.uin | 2000.uin | 2001.uin |
V internal | 1999.vin | 2000.vin | 2001.vin |
U external | 1999.uex | 2000.uex | 2001.uex |
V external | 1999.vex | 2000.vex | 2001.vex |
Sea level | 1999.slv | 2000.slv | 2001.slv |
- 1999, 2000, 2001 indicate the year of simulation
- External velocity is the depth-averaged velocity and, as a function of depth, the internal velocity is the departure from the external velocity
- number of grid points are 150 (EW) x 180 (NS) x 21 (vertical)
- sal, tem, uin, and vin are 3-D data (150 x 180 x 21) and uex, vex, and slv are 2-D data (150 x 180)
- data are written in unformatted format and the Fortran program 'readdata.f' provided can be used to read data
- salinity, temperature, and velocity data are written at 5-day intervals beginning from day 5 of 1999
- sea level data are written at 6-hour intervals beginning from day 0.25 of 1999
- time is defined in Julian days and day 0 corresponds to 00Z on Jan 1 each year
- salinity is in ppt, temperature in oC, velocities (uin, vin, uex and vex) in m/s, and sea level in m
Supporting files
Depth file (depth.dat)
There are five columns: longitude, latitude, water depth, EW grid index, NS grid index
Longitude and latitude are in degrees and water depth in m (positive downward from mean sea level). Water depth of 1 m means land.
Sigma level file (slevel.dat)
There are five columns: index, depth of bottom of each level from the surface, depth of center of each level, thickness of each level, thickness from the center of one level to the next
Note: The third column gives depths of salinity, temperature, and internal velocities. Temperature, salinity and sea level are defined at longitudes and latitudes given in 'depth.dat' , while U-component velocities are defined at the mid-point west of that location and V-component velocities at the mid-point south of that location.