Atmospheric Modeling Support for CREAMS II: Simulations of Mesoscale Atmospheric Circulation and Forcing in the Japan/East Sea
Dr. Shuyin Chen schen@rsmas.miami.edu
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
Award Number
This study seeks to better understand the influence of the wintertime Siberian cold-air outbreaks and their interaction with the complex coastal terrain on the surface forcing of the JES region, and to investigate the effects of the surface winds and air-sea fluxes on the ocean circulation and surface waves in the JES.
We use the Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research atmospheric nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5) to characterize the mesoscale structure of atmospheric synoptic forcing, especially for the wintertime Siberian cold-air near Vladivostok and in the vicinity of the subpolar SST front in the JES, where oceanic deep convection occurs. In collaboration with Dr. Mooers's group at RSMAS/Univ. of Miami, we use the MM5 surface wind and fluxes to test the impact of the high spatial and temporal resolution forcing on the ocean circulation using POM.
In-depth Overview (PDF document, 367 KB)