Published Papers
Chen, S.S., W. Zhao, J.E. Tenerelli, R.H. Evans, and V. Halliwell, Impact of the AVHRR Pathfinder sea surface temperature on atmospheric forcing in the Japan/East Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4539-4542, 2001. [ Abstract ]
Chen et al., 2001
The impact of high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) data on the atmospheric forcing in the Japan/East Sea (JES) is investigated using a high-resolution mesoscale atmospheric model. We use the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder SST (PFSST) and the operational NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) global SST analysis (NCEPSST) as the lower boundary conditions for two numerical experiments. A sharp SST gradient associated with the subpolar front in JES, well-resolved by PFSST, has a significant influence on both synoptic scale and monthly mean surface winds and heat fluxes in JES. These results have an important implication for research related to coastal atmosphere and ocean circulation and air-sea interactions.