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Published Papers
Mooers, C.N.K., I. Bang, and F.J. Sandoval, Comparisons between observations and numerical simulations of Japan (East) Sea flow and mass fields in 1999 through 2001, Deep-Sea Research II, 52, 1639-1661, 2005. [ Abstract ]
Mooers et al., 2005
The Princeton Ocean Model (POM), as implemented for the Japan (East) Sea (JES) with mesoscale-admitting resolution is driven by seasonal throughflow and synoptic atmospheric forcing for 1999 through 2001. Temperature and salinity profiles from shipborne and PALACE float CTDs, and horizontal velocities at 800 m from PALACE float trajectories, plus horizontal velocities at 15 m from WOCE surface drifters for 1988 through 2001, are used to assess the performance of the numerical simulations for a base case. General agreement exists in the circulation at 15 and 800 m and the horizontal and vertical structure of the upper ocean temperature and salinity fields. The mean observed flow at 15 m defines the two branches of the Tsushima Warm Current and hints at the existence of a large cyclonic gyre over the Japan Basin, which the simulations also produce. The mean observed flow at 800 m defines a large cyclonic recirculation gyre over the Japan Basin that validates the simulated flow pattern. Variances of the observed and simulated flows at 15 and 800 m have similar patterns. The main discrepancies are associated with the strength of the seasonal thermocline and halocline and the location of the Subpolar Front. When smoother topography and smaller lateral friction are used in other cases, the thermocline and halocline strengthen, agreeing better with the observed values, and when 80% of total outflow transport is forced to exit through Soya Strait, the Subpolar Front extends along the coast to the north of Tsugaru Strait, which is an observed feature absent in the base case.