All data files in this archive are provided in netCDF format. For your convenience, read files in C, with an accompanying Makefile (see below), are included. There are also many software packages freely available or licensed with utilities to access the data in netCDF-formatted files. You can find a comprehensive list of these software packages at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html
Data File Descriptions
There are seven C programs to read the model output files. The model_info.cdf file contains sigma coordinates, grid spacing, bottom depth, cell area values, mean horizontal temperatures, salinity and water density, as well as boundary values and other essential model information. This file can be read with read_model.c.
The sea_level_mask.cdf file indicates whether a location is land or ocean and can be read with read_sealevel.c
Files with the name ec_ymmddhh_1.cdf (where y is last digit of year, i.e., 3 indicates output from 1993, mm indicates month, dd indicates day and hh means hour) contain momentum fluxes and vertically averaged velocities. These files can be read with read_1.c.
Files with the name ec_ymmddhh_2.cdf (where y is last digit of year, i.e., 3 indicates output from 1993, mm indicates month, dd indicates day and hh means hour) contain zonal velocities. These files can be read with read_2.c.
Files with the name ec_ymmddhh_3.cdf (where y is last digit of year, i.e., 3 indicates output from 1993, mm indicates month, dd indicates day and hh indicates hour) contain vertical and meridional velocities. These files can be read with read_3.c.
Files with the name ec_ymmddhh_4.cdf (where y is last digit of year, i.e., 3 indicates output from 1993, mm indicates month, dd indicates day and hh indicates hour) contain water temperatures. These files can be read with read_4.c.
Files with the name ec_ymmddhh_5.cdf (where y is last digit of year, i.e., 3 indicates output from 1993, mm indicates month, dd indicates day and hh indicates hour) contain water salinity values. These files can be read with read_5.c.