All data files in this archive are provided in netCDF format. For your convenience, read files in C, with an accompanying Makefile (see below), are included. There are also many software packages freely available or licensed with utilities to access the data in netCDF-formatted files. You can find a comprehensive list of these software packages at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html
Station log file (.txt)
Station Time Corrections
by mkahru@ucsd.edu, 2002/03/14
Update: Errors in the station times were discovered in February, 2002. Therefore the MER, AC9 and Hydroscat files were reprocessed with the correct times, and resubmitted on 2002/03/14.
With general questions please contact PI Greg Mitchell (gmitchell@ucsd.edu); with specific questions about this dataset please contact Mati Kahru (mkahru@ucsd.edu).
cruise name = $CRUISE = jes9906
Files in this set:
- README.$CRUISE - this file
- stalog_jes9906.txt - simple station log, not supposed to be compliant with FCHECK
- mer_jes9906.tar.gz is a compressed tar-file with a number of files
- *.sbmer - these are vertical casts including Lu, Ed, Es, etc., extrapolated to the surface (0-) and binned at 1 m intervals. The Lu data in *.sbmer files has not been corrected for the instrument self-shading. Self-shading correction is being done only for the surface-extrapolated values in a separate file. The difference is usually less than 3% (Kahru and Mitchell, 1998. Evaluation of instrument self-shading and environmental errors on ocean color algorithms, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XIV, CD-ROM, Kona, Hawaii, eds. S. Ackelson & J. Campbell, Nov 1998. In most stations more than 1 vertical casts were made, however, only one cast (the best) per station is included here.
- ac9_jes9906.tar.gz is a compressed tar-file with a number of files
- ac*.a715.sb - these are vertical casts including 8 wavelengths of agp and 9 wavelengths of c obtained with the AC9 Absorption and Attenuation meter. Depth-binned at 1 m intervals.
- hs6_jes9906.tar.gz is a compressed tar-file with a number of files
- H*.bin.sb - these are vertical casts including 6 wavelengths of bb obtained with the Hydroscat-6 backscattering meter. Depth-binned at 1 m intervals.
- chldepths_$CRUISE.txt.sb - has all the depth samples of CHL, Phaeo
- 9906pNNN.sb.dat | NNN = sequence number of the sample, e.g. 9906p073.sb.dat, has the absorption coefficients of the particulates (ap) and detritus (ad) for 300-750 nm. The method of estimating ap: Mitchell, B.G., Ocean Optics X, p.137-148, 1990; of ad: Kishino et al. 1985.
- 9906sNNN.sb.dat | NNN = sequence number of the sample, e.g. 9906s073.sb.dat, has the absorption coefficients of CDOM (ag) for 250-650 nm. The NNN number for the ag sample is usually the same for ap, ad values from the same bottle sample. Some values at longer wavelengths may be small negative numbers: this is the result of small errors when subtracting the blank or doing the red correction. A more robust method of estimating ag at a particular wavelength is not to use the measured value but to fit an exponential decay curve through the data and using the value from the fitted curve. We do this regularly and can provide the estimated ag value at 300 nm, the exponential slope and the error of the fit. The exponential slope seems to change for wavelengths below 300 nm; therefore we do not use values less than 300 nm for fitting the exponential curve in the visible range.
- jes99062.cfl - calibration file for MER2048-8772 profiler
- jes99069.cfl - calibration file for MER2041-8739 surface reference
- ac90154.dev - calibration file for AC9
- hs97118 990501.ini - calibration file for Hydroscat-6. The calibration files are not supposed to be compliant with FCHECK
More variables will be added later (as soon as they become available).
Data File Descriptions
sbmer*.cdf these are vertical casts including Lu, Ed, Es, etc., extrapolated to the surface (0-) and binned at 1 m intervals. These files can be read with read_sbmer.c.
The Lu data in *.sbmer files has not been corrected for the instrument self-shading. Self-shading correction is being done only for the surface-extrapolated values in a separate file. The difference is usually less than 3% (Kahru and Mitchell, 1998. Evaluation of instrument self-shading and environmental errors on ocean color algorithms, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XIV, CD-ROM, Kona, Hawaii, eds. S. Ackelson & J. Campbell, Nov 1998).
In most stations more than 1 vertical casts were made, however, only one cast (the best) per station is included here.
ac*.cdf these are vertical casts including 8 wavelengths of agp and 9 wavelengths of c obtained with the AC9 Absorption and Attenuation meter. Depth-binned at 1 m intervals. These files can be read with read_ac.c.
H.cdf contains vertical casts including 6 wavelengths of bb obtained with the Hydroscat-6 backscattering meter. Depth-binned at 1 m intervals. This file can be read with read_H.c.
chldepths_jes9906.cdf has all the depth samples of CHL, Phaeo. This file can be read with read_chl.c.
P.cdf has the absorption coefficients of the particulates (ap) and detritus (ad) for 300-750 nm. The method of estimating ap: Mitchell, B.G., Ocean Optics X, p.137-148, 1990; method of estimating ad: Kishino et al. 1985. This file can be read with read_P.c.
S.cdf has the absorption coefficients of CDOM (ag) for 250-650 nm. This file can be read with read_S.c.
Some values at longer wavelengths may be small negative numbers: this is the result of small errors when subtracting the blank or doing the red correction. A more robust method of estimating ag at a particular wavelength is not to use the measured value but to fit an exponential decay curve through the data and using the value from the fitted curve. We do this regularly and can provide the estimated ag value at 300 nm, the exponential slope and the error of the fit. The exponential slope seems to change for wavelengths below 300 nm; therefore we do not use values less than 300 nm for fitting the exponential curve in the visible range.